Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Casting the Stream of Consciousness, and the New Grant St. Soliloquies
Words fossilize the moment they're breathed, and your armchair may be made of leather. Together we will grapple with gravity, hoping for pure water. Let our collective being yield a newfound respect for nature, and of mankind. As the current rift between the two is spelling our demise.
The untitled drawing (5"x4" graphite on Bristol: 2005), was a study from an abandoned pen & ink project I believe was to be entitled "Intelligent Design (without connotation)".
My Current Rotation:
1. The Mammals: Evolver
2. Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour
3. Tarbox Ramblers: Tarbox Ramblers
4. Joe Jackson Band: Vol. 4
5. Moxy Fruvous: Bargainville

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