Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cosmology and the Creative Global Economic

What is humanity's place in the totality of the universe, and what is the responsibility of the visual, non-verbal interpreter? Maybe innovation within the realms of a recognisable discipline, or resisting the aesthetic decree, to a degree that is none too esoteric. So heave away, before you find yourself asleep at shore, for at the heart of all that matters lies contribution. Let us all share the tarry as time is perennialy short. Gather your favorite totems and celebrate the Summer solstice.
The work on oak board is the resurgance of a form abandoned over a year ago. "If You See Her Say Hello" (10x8, goache & India ink on gesso) , named after a tune by Bob Dylan, was for J. Bauer's campsite, as it is a weather proof work of art, engulfed in varnish, and hung amoung the standing timber. The spot was named for his dog Marley (Marley's Bluff), as she had recently passed on. It is by far the most representational work in the series, all on board, typically mahogany, and coated with varnish, but none so well preserved as this one.

Current Rotation:

1. Mason Jennings: Boneclouds
2. Jeff Buckley: Grace
3. Adrain Belew: Side 3
4. Ollabelle
5. Neil Young: Living with War