Friday, March 24, 2006

The Custom Concern for the People:

Trying to be a literate American in a multicultural democracy, though reinforcing the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, we try to celebrate this vernacular equinox even if we are feeling a bit autumnal.

An article of essential consideration: "The State of the News Media 2006", the Project for Excellence in Jornalism.

The new Grant St. Apologetics contend the recent statement, that Inspiration is "beyond the realm of calculated intention", (The Observer; 3.12.06). We say it is no more than motivation. Devotion to your craft will at times yield unintelligable aspects of inner being, and, as any non-verbal expression is already indeed inspired. As warnings rise over rising seas and ballooning arses, yet there is hope...

My Current Rotation:

The Derek Trucks Band: Songlines
Lou Reed/ John Cale: Songs for Drella
Rachel's: Selenography
Keller Williams: Loop
Tom Waits: Bone Machine