Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve, or the Disambiguation of the Old Calendarists:

May we all experience the rebirth, so symbolic of the holiday upon us, both individually, and collectively. There is much to ruminate, though in time it's assembled matter will provide the paving stones on the road to tomorrow. And tonight as we ingest popular media's culmination of the last year of civilization, keep in mind, the world is what you make it. So here's to the promise of a productive year ahead.

Though downloads are explodingly popular, the generously textured canvas that was this year's music scene did little to alleviate sagging L.P. sales, and in my eyes, some of the best output this year consisted of rehashed material.

Best Releases of 2005:

5. Neil Young; Prarie Wind
4. White Stripes; Get Behind Me Satan
3. Fionna Apple; Extraordinary Machine
2. Bob Dylan; The Bootleg Series Vol. 7
1. Crimson Jazz Trio; King Crimson Songbook Vol.1

Honorable Mention:
Sun Kil Moon; Tiny Cities
Mars Volta; Frances the Mute
Phish; New Year's Eve 1995

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Suspending Disbelief in the Post Critical Era

The "Monolith Manuscripts" have been completed, the result of some prolific Friday night sessions that began back in October, (see last entry). The multi media work on paper above, Anthropomorphic Starfish, was a direct inspiration from those assemblies, though the piece is usually accompanied by various vocal noises.
The Manuscripts were originaly conceived during a weekend's camp on a plateau littered with quarried stones, resembling various obelisks, which we proceeded to assemble into a monolith field. How these innate objects took on such stature with the slightest of manipulation was indeed symbolic, and inspirational. Though the Manuscript itself picked up some serious momentum come mid October, much was penned in the field. The result is craggy, and at time directionless, but in all, quite compelling. It will be published, in some form, on the internet, not here, but on it's own site eventually. Foremost it demonstrated that the creative lunacy of the moment can be manifested into a plausible document. A new project is already in the works.
Mass Media Culture to coin a phrase is an oxymoron, the decent guitar solo has virtually dissapeared in today's music, and we harness nature religiously. Does the answer lie within Beethoven's bones, or in some ancient Mayan mural, the Dead Sea scrolls? It not only is the solstice, but also Frank Zappa's bithday (1940), celebrate accordingly. I suggest pinion.

Current Listening:

Japancakes: If I Could See Dallas
Velvet Underground: Peel Slowly and See
Modest Mouse: The Fruit That Ate Itself
Godspeed You Black Emporer!: Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antannae to Heaven
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Howl

Friday, December 02, 2005

A Slice of A Dabble in Verbal Babble...Live in the Studio with the Music Psycho

Maggie went to Georgia, and Marley went to the great beyond,
the recollections of those events, are not extremely fond.
We move forward in the wrong direction, until we get things right.
It doesn't happen every day, it happens overnight.
The window reveals an image of solitude and peace, upon which we gaze for solutions to our tumultuous world of struggle.
Walk on brother, keep on moving forward in your own direction, even when the others say it's wrong (or left).
Staring out the window, for hours and hours, with no apparent solution....we walk to the chemist's locker to fix an elixir to cure the confusion......
Now it's all becoming unclear to me, the best way to face reality,
It's going to happen anyway, don't clutter the path with karma.

Autumn's pith has finally been revealed, and now December's shag has found us. Our crutch is our crippled vocabulary.
Dammit! I forgot the "D" thing again. It's a "D" chord with life and emotion. I meant to bring it from the archives, but the safe wasn't open today.

Soon you will see that the power of "D" can overtake the strongest of minds and cause harmonious cohabitation amongst adversaries, forcing love upon the unloving, like an ant devouring your favorite aunt.YUMMM!

You shant and can't rant!

J. Bauer

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Baby You've Lost That Nerve Growth Factor
The metaphorical piece above is titled "11". It is a page from a ficticious anatomy book, highlighting the shortcoming's of humanity. The thumb and chin represent the clumsiness of man, while the clever and saddle, gunstock denote the harnessing of nature for our benefit. Pen and Ink, 8x12, composed in March of 2004. A fit for any puritan holiday celebration, or related curiosa.