Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Romance of the Stimulus Act and the Art of Acheiving Your Central Dogma
We are currently trying to sell some new software, a video game called "Straight A Student." It has yet to catch on, though we are developing it further ( C- edition coming out this summer!) In the meantime we will offer our best in musical direction.
But first, this oil painting on canvas (24" x 38", 2005) was my interpretation of Modigliani's great work:
" Jean Cocteau" (1917), though the original is somewhat different, and without the acoustic guitar.
Current Rotation:
1. Robert Wyatt/ mid -eighties: some royal out-takes and all of Old Rottenhat.
2. June 1, 1974/ Kevin Ayers-John Cale-Eno-Nico and the Sporifics: with special guests Mike Oldfield and Robert Wyatt recorded at the Rainbow Theater in London.
3. Frank Zappa/ Trance-Fusion: In the spirit of Shut Up/ Guitar, nothing but ripping Zappa solos, though oh so cleaned up and contemporary sounding, with extra Chunga's Revenge.
4.Calexico/ Iron and Wine: A seven song E. P. from 2005 that grooves to the styles of the artist's collective, while at the same time pushing each other in new directions.
5. Ben Harper/ Lifeline: One hell of an album from start to finish. A huge departure from "Both Sides of the Gun", and really uncomparible to any recording in his catalog. This "road album" proves Ben Harper continues as one of America's most important artists.

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