Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Suspending Disbelief in the Post Critical Era

The "Monolith Manuscripts" have been completed, the result of some prolific Friday night sessions that began back in October, (see last entry). The multi media work on paper above, Anthropomorphic Starfish, was a direct inspiration from those assemblies, though the piece is usually accompanied by various vocal noises.
The Manuscripts were originaly conceived during a weekend's camp on a plateau littered with quarried stones, resembling various obelisks, which we proceeded to assemble into a monolith field. How these innate objects took on such stature with the slightest of manipulation was indeed symbolic, and inspirational. Though the Manuscript itself picked up some serious momentum come mid October, much was penned in the field. The result is craggy, and at time directionless, but in all, quite compelling. It will be published, in some form, on the internet, not here, but on it's own site eventually. Foremost it demonstrated that the creative lunacy of the moment can be manifested into a plausible document. A new project is already in the works.
Mass Media Culture to coin a phrase is an oxymoron, the decent guitar solo has virtually dissapeared in today's music, and we harness nature religiously. Does the answer lie within Beethoven's bones, or in some ancient Mayan mural, the Dead Sea scrolls? It not only is the solstice, but also Frank Zappa's bithday (1940), celebrate accordingly. I suggest pinion.

Current Listening:

Japancakes: If I Could See Dallas
Velvet Underground: Peel Slowly and See
Modest Mouse: The Fruit That Ate Itself
Godspeed You Black Emporer!: Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antannae to Heaven
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Howl

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