Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Drake Equation, Hubble's Theory, Bauer's Postulate, and Other Significant Mantras of the Cirque du Jour

Reading an article about sick building syndrome, and how it may be related to Infrasounds, I stumbled onto the elephant, and their mysterious social circles. These creatures host greeting parties, laugh to express joy, may possess some form of E.S.P. to communicate to each other, and have more emotional range than most human beings.
The infrasound: a sound with a frequency too low to be detected by the human ear, often occured naturally from ocean waves, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes and meteors. The sound itself is known to cause feelings of apprehension and fear without conciously knowing. It it can at times make people feel vaguely that superntural events are taking place, and as you may already know certain animals, and media conglomerates already exploit it's very boundries. Living life on life's terms, but keeping it a little loose.
The explotation of the instant gratification of today's way of life is already passe, though what is not, is the sensation of downloadable music. Acknowledging the fact that there is no degredation of quality in copying digitel music, which seperates it from any other method of reproduction, the abandonment of the album is troublesome. (Many main stream artists excluded) The release, or album desires a listen in it's entirety. The emotional peaks and valleys of song arrangement, the anticipation. Though very few still touch stylus to vinyl these days, or know what a good side is, for it is a time when synthesizers virtually mimic the process of playing every instrument. To pick and choose cuts so easily deflates the entire industry, as you have taken the mystery out of the artist's latest composition, the album. Plus whatever happened to these arguments of analog warmth, or the frequency cutoff and quantization noise of digital music? What is the expected lifetime of our civilization?

Current Obsession: The Phish feast @ 7:00 pm Sirius Radio; Jam On Ch. #17
Too Groovy to effectively dig upon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.