Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In The Bucolic Trappings of the Neurocranium

What is our obligation to our mission and purpose? Wealth, security, cultural relevance. Maybe Charlie Parker on the turntable? If Joseph Addison were alive today! Would he stop the senseless slaughter of the African elephant? Why not Democracy as a fundamentalist movement? Extremist fart gags and all. Instead let us enjoy the self perpetuating climate time bomb, and with proper table setting: a radiant juice freshly squeezed from political and ecionomic forces, as there will be no room for existentialism tonight my nihilist friend, only rational empiricism with lemon grass. A pilaf with a hint of tumeric, accompanied by a suspension of ethical, and rational knowledge, and yes a tartare will be in high order. A blood orange sorbet will follow, served in a reduction of life's priorities. It's very essence causes images of immortality, and at times, thoughts of exceptionalism.

My Current Rotation:

Modest Mouse: This is a long drive for someone with nothing to
to think about

Stephan Stills: Manassas

Syd Barrett: Barrett

Soft Machine: Volume Two

Beausoleil: Cajunization Blues